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A Pink Dolphin


Think pink … you’re not seeing the world through rose-coloured glasses: This albino dolphin is pink.

Unique … the bottlenose – first spotted in Lake Calcasieu, an inland saltwater estuary in Louisiana, by boat captain Erik Rue, 42, in 2007 – has surfaced again.

Attraction … tourists are flocking to the lake in hopes of seeing the rare mammal.

Rare sight … “Pinky” is believed to be the only pink dolphin in the world, and has “reddish” eyes. It is usually spotted with its dark grey mother.

One of a kind … there are only 14 other known albino dolphins in the world, all of them white.

Healthy glow … “The dolphin appears to be healthy and normal other than its coloration, which is quite beautiful and stunningly pink,” said Mr Rue, who estimates he has spotted Pinky more than 40 times.

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