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Top 10 new species discovered in 2012

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The top 10 species were selected by an international committee of taxon experts from more than 140 nominated species out of an estimated 18,000 species named in 2012.

The top 10 list is released each year on or about Carolus Linnaeus’ birthday on May 23rd. Linnaeus is the “Father of Taxonomy” and his work in the mid 18th century was the beginning point for “modern” naming and classification of plants and animals.

Here they are:
Chondrocladia lyra : A carnivorous sponge, that lives 2 miles below the surface of the northwest Pacific Ocean.

Sibon noalamina : Resembling poisonous coral snakes, this harmless snake eats slugs, earthworms and snails.

Cercopithecus lomamiensis : A monkey with a delicate human-like face surrounded by a frill of fur.

Ochroconis anomala : Staining the prehistoric arts on the walls of the Lascaux cave, this fungus is black in color.

Eugenia petrikensis : A 6.5 feet high evergreen shrub that’s endangered. This shrub displays clusters of dark pink flowers.

Viola lilliputana : This tiny, Lilliputian violet stands just 1 cm tall and grows only in the Peruvian Andes.

Paedophryne amanuensis : Even smaller than the Lilliputian violet, this frog is just a mere 7.7 millimeteres in length.

Semachrysa jade : Posted on Flickr and spotted by an entomologist, this lacewing insect is green in color.

Lucihormetica luckae : A cockroach that glows in the dark! A single specimen discovered 70 years ago, it is thought to be extinct.

Juracimbrophlebia ginkgofolia : Resembling a gingko, this hangingfly lived in the Middle Jurassic period.

We are not alone. We share our Earth with millions of different species. But most of us are too busy with humans. We do not spend much time to learn about others. At least we can try to give a warm welcome to ten new species every year.

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